Silent Dust 1949


A wealthy blind man is determined to build a cricket pavilion as a memorial to his dead son, who was killed in battle in World War II. Not long before the dedication ceremony is to be held,...

Alle Titel
  • UA: Silent Dust Silent Dust
  • AT: Das schweigende Dunkel Das schweigende Dunkel
  • BR: Os Mortos Falam Os Mortos Falam
  • DK: Manden med arret Manden med arret
  • FR: L'homme à la cicatrice L'homme à la cicatrice
  • IT: Un vigliacco ritorna Un vigliacco ritorna
  • NO: Vandring i mørket Vandring i mørket
  • SE: Stormigt liv Stormigt liv
  • UA: Das schweigende Dunkel Das schweigende Dunkel
Release 29 Dec 1949
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