A nagy kommunista bankrablás 2004


In 1959, in Romania, six former members of the nomenklatura and the secret police organize a hold up of the National Bank. After their arrest, the state forces them to play themselves in a film which reconstitutes the crime and th...

Alle Titel
  • RO: Marele jaf comunist Marele jaf comunist
  • AU: The Great Communist Bank Robbery The Great Communist Bank Robbery
  • FI: Suuri kommunistinen pankkiryöstö Suuri kommunistinen pankkiryöstö
  • FR: Camarades gangsters, levez-vous Camarades gangsters, levez-vous
  • DE: The Great Communist Bank Robbery The Great Communist Bank Robbery
  • GR: Η μεγάλη κομμουνιστική ληστεία Η μεγάλη κομμουνιστική ληστεία
  • NO: Det store kommunistiske bankranet Det store kommunistiske bankranet
  • RO: Marele jaf comunist Marele jaf comunist
  • UA: Great Communist Bank Robbery Great Communist Bank Robbery
  • US: Great Communist Bank Robbery Great Communist Bank Robbery
  • RO: Great Communist Bank Robbery Great Communist Bank Robbery
Release 10 May 2004
Links IMDb
